Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm really struggling with Christopher's crying the last week or so. I know that it is just something that he has to outgrow and it isn't me but it really makes me doubt myself as his Mommy. He just cries and cries and cries and no matter what you do it doesn't seem to calm him. I initially believed that maybe the chiropractics were helping but tonight was rotten to the core again. He had his first adjustment today since last Friday so I had anticipated tonight being a little better. Skeptical at best.

I just promise him at night that I will keep trying if he does. It freakin' breaks my heart in pieces to hear him cry like that.

Monday, August 23, 2010


One of the big reasons why I didn't want to put Christopher in daycare was because I didn't want to miss the "firsts"... I'm still sad about it but I know that it is what we need to do right now. I also believe that time away from him - especially during this colicky stressful time - is going to make me an even better Mommy.

He started truly smiling within this last week. I was so worried that it would never happen. It is the most beautiful sight for this Mommy's melts my heart and still makes me tear up.

He also is starting to track objects and does best with following eyes. If Jared or I are holding him and the other walks past he will actually follow you now. That is so sweet. Any worries about his development that I may have had are completely assuaged. He is perfect!

Here's a picture of two firsts - his first day of daycare and the first smile I was able to catch on camera. Look at those eyes sparkle.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Trauma for your Momma

Today Christopher had his two month check-up. I knew what was coming but never imagined it would be as stressful as it was for ME!

Our little monkey weighed in at 11 pounds 15 ounces. Jared, his parents, and I all made guesses and Jared was the closest at 12 pounds. I had been worried about his eating...guess that was for naught! Thank goodness our little guy at least knows how to eat! He's also gained an inch and a half - must be all that squirming he does, just growing and growing!

After asking several questions of our family doctor we decided to proceed with the vaccinations. I knew that it would be tough When the nurses asked me to "hold him down" I started to cry. He was being so sweet. The girls counted to three, poked and my baby boy turned seventeen shades of red and screamed. The nurse on his left had a last vaccination to give and then I was able to pick him up and comfort him as best I could. He cried pretty hard for all of ten seconds and then just whimpered. Why does it have to be so hurtful???

He's finally sleeping pretty soundly now. He was so upset and hungry and tired when we got home. Hard to keep him calm and sane. He just wanted to be held and comforted. I loved up on him as much as I could and hope that he knows that it will be okay.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Time Flies!

Wow it's almost been a month since I have taken time to write...I can tell you that it has been pretty nutso here between colic and my feeling out of sorts because I can't help him. The good news is that things are starting to get better.

Christopher's colic has been pretty chaotic. He typically cries between 5 pm and 8 pm and we do EVERYTHING we can to calm him down. Unfortunately the only thing that has really worked is taking him outside. So Jared, Christopher & I have been sitting on the deck at night watching the clouds, bugs, cars, etc. It is really amazing as he just sits quietly and takes it all in. By 7p.m. I try to bring him in and we give him a bath. He seems to love bath time. It happens every night right now. I'm hoping we don't wear it out!

His face has really cleared up. I was SO paranoid about it. It looked terrible between the acne and the really dry skin. I know it wasn't a big deal but I didn't want people to think "yuck" about him...even though I did.
I am 99% sure that the chiropractor appointments have been helping. The colic fits have been shorter and shorter. This week they are lasting from 15 - 30 minutes where in the beginning they were at least 2 hours. It SUCKED!! We also changed formulas yesterday...maybe that is helping too.

I'm also seeing the chiropractor for my hand. He, of course, completely disagreed with the orthopedic surgeon's treatment
plan. The good news is that the visits have really been helping. It doesn't hurt nearly as much anymore! Yay!

Jared & I are doing a lot better. On Sunday I finally called his Mom to ask for some help. I had no idea how much more I could take so we dropped Christopher off with her and went to Appleton for the day. Jared & I went for lunch and did some shopping and finally were able to have a good conversation about the "State of the Union". Communication is the key!

I'm attempting our first family get together this weekend. My birthday is tomorrow and while we won't be going out I thought it would be nice to have family over. So Sunday I'm gonna play hostess and have my family and hopefully some of Jared's over. Looking forward to it!

Tomorrow is Christopher's 2 month appointment with Dr. Fullington. I'm looking forward to finding out how much he weighs now but NOT looking forward to him receiving shots. I'm sure it will be worse for me - that's what they say anyway!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Holy Monkeys!

To say it has been stressful might be a minor understatement...

I don't think any Mom ever really knows it coming but we've been hit ...blindsided by the bi-atch known as colic. It hasn't been godawful but it has certainly been a challenge. I've been feeling really stressed and needing socialization which makes it even more difficult.

Christopher started chiropractic care on Monday...Monday night was completely different (better) than the prior few. Tuesday - hellacious. Yesterday he had an adjustment again. I get such a kick out of it when the Doctor pushes his legs into his tummy and he toots away.

We walked out of yesterdays appointment feeling pretty good. Of course I didn't come right home and Christopher screamed bloody murder - probably swallowing lots of air and becoming quite upset...again. I was able to do the reach over the seat pop the paci in the mouth blindly maneuver but last night he again had about a 75 minute meltdown - no where near as bad as Tuesday but more than I prefer.

Jared and I are struggling a little with each other. Or, maybe it is just me and *I* am struggling with him and myself. I'm really about as ready as I am going to get to go back to work. As much as I swore up and down that I would be a stay at home mom...I'm looking forward to a little adult interaction and me time. I feel terrible and guilty about wanting a little away time but I think it will be best for both Christopher and I and in the long run my relationship with Jared as well.

We landed on a daycare facility as well this week. I don't know if I will ever feel 100% confident about any place but this one has five of the little Doering cousins so it can't be that bad. Filling out the paperwork is consuming! I understand but gosh it is almost as tiring as being a first time mom...or maybe that still falls under that category?

On another note, I've been having problems with my right thumb. I don't know if it is quite trigger finger/thumb but it is tight and hurts like hell-o. I went to see my favorite Bone & Joint Doctor yesterday and he gave me a brace. That lasted for all of 30 minutes. I am "all thumbs" (har har) when trying to care for Christopher with it on. I did wear it last night when he was sleeping and while I was sleeping. It will be interesting to see how it helps. I've got a recheck in 5 weeks and if it isn't better he talked about surgery. Again...not really helpful given the fact that I need both hands to carry and care for Christopher. I'm sure work would really appreciate me coming back and then going back out for surgery. HA!

Today is my 6 week post partum check-up. Holy crappo...gotta talk to the Doc about contraception. Poor Jared is NOT coming near me with a ten foot pole until I know for sure that we will not make another bambino. NOT ready to even think about that - and I was a smart ass before thinking I'd just get pregnant again right away. NOT HAPPENING!!!

Finally, I broke down this morning and transitioned Christopher from Newborn diapers to size 1. We tried them on about a week ago and he was drowning in them. This morning Christopher had a pee blowout up his back so I figured it was time to try them again. Which reminds me I need to change the sheet in his crib and he's stirring from his nap. Rock on, here we go again!