The time change has kind of mixed things up a little - I never even dreamed about this when thinking about having a baby and the issues that would come with it. The first few mornings we were up at 3:45 (ohmygoodness). Along with that, for whatever reason, he has been sleeping through the night. I was thrilled with the 6 hour stretches that he was finally giving me...NOW though it has been from about 6:00 to 3:45 or so. I keep it quiet and he usually goes back down around 5 am *just in time for me to get ready for work - what a buddy, huh? I'm pushing the envelope to 6:30 p.m. though we usually have bottle in mouth at 6:15. We'll get it. Little by little.
This past weekend we finally had Christopher's baptism. I tell ya, the kid is amazing. Everyone in church was amazed at how "good" he was. He really was super. Aunt Polly held him through the first half of the service. I love how she loves him (yes Polly I know you're reading this). She worries about hogging him. Let me tell ya, if anyone hogs him, I want it to be her! She's awesome with him! Anyway...during his baptism he was super - just squeaked a little when Pastor Craig poured the water on his head. Then when we went out to dinner everyone loved on him again. He even helped Grandpa Jeff teach the bartender at the restaurant how to make a proper Old Fashioned. Then proceeded to pass out - must be tough being a baby bartender. It was pretty cute!
We had another Physical Therapy appointment as well. I must tell you that I walked out of that appointment feeling ten feet tall and bullet proof. After the little struggles we had with side preferences, potential torticollis and the right arm use Jen told me that he is actually ahead of where he should be developmentally. It had been so frustrating the times before because he was always "behind" and it made me feel like I wasn't doing enough for/with him. We have a two - three month reprieve before we go back and were given a few little things to aim for but nothing to catch up on! It was so refreshing!
He's know? I hold this little boy in my arms when he is sleeping and just am consistently overwhelmed with such emotion from the love that I feel for him. I have loved before but never like this. My heart is so full of happiness and love. I feel like I have finally figured it out. My job may not be the most perfect, I might not always love the car I drive or the clothes I wear, but at the end of the day there is always Christopher and that makes everything else...enough. Simply amazing what someone so little can do.
Hey! My ears were burning. Who's talking about me?? Oh! It was you, Sarah! So glad to have the green light on being a "Christopher hog." I don't get to see him as much as I'd like, so when I do get to see him, I say, "Gimmee dat Christopher!"