Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

Well hello new followers! Thank you for following me, how exciting!

Christopher is napping...again. I've been able to get quite a bit done around the house; he's been snoozy all weekend. Such a cute little snore! I *can* finally say that he isn't sick anymore. I believe the cold is done - until next time. Day care has had some hella colds and sicknesses. They just implemented a mandatory hand washing upon entering the facility rule. I'm very thankful for that. I hope that everyone respects it.

We had our 4 month check-up last Monday. Little Dude was 15 lbs 5 oz and 24.25 inches. Holy Moly! Dr. Ann said he's perfect. I already knew that but it sure is nice to be reminded by a professional. It has been an absolutely amazing 4 months. There isn't a day that goes by that I am not completely amazed by him.

I put a tub of newborn to three months clothes away this last week. Jared and I were in awe of the teeny tiny NB clothing. I barely remember him ever being that small. I went way overboard on buying stuff for him. There were tons of things he never wore or only wore once. I jokingly said we'd have to have a boy this next time (Lord knows I'd be head over heals either way) since we already have so much boy stuff and I seem to have the boy stuff down pat. He's pretty darn easy (now!).

We've been practicing with the rice cereal this past week. I think I am ready for day care to give it a try this week. He's doing an awesome job and probably gets 75% of it now. I tend to stand to close to him and he kicks me and the bowl and it goes flying. Still learning the logistics that work for both of us.

Jared and I were able to get away for the afternoon last Sunday. We dropped Christopher off at Grandma & Grandpa Olson's and we went down to Appleton to do some shopping and have dinner together. Nothing fancy, but super nice to just get away together. We really need to keep up with that otherwise I feel like we lose track of each other.

Christopher has been rolling over in his sleep and staying on his tummy. We made it through the two weeks of waking up every hour mid-roll. I'm a bit leery about his sleeping on his stomach. Dr. Ann said it was "OK". Apparently I need to sleep too (who knew?!). So our nights have been a lot better. I'm hoping to sleep train him through his first waking and then we'll have the 3:00 feeding and more sleep! I am shooting to keep him up past 7:00 too. We'll see how THAT goes with the silly time change.

We've been venturing out a little bit more again. We went out to dinner with Jared's parents on Friday night. Christopher was SO good and easy. Jared had to cut my steak for me so I could eat one handed but other then that I think we got it figured out! Little Dude & I went grocery shopping yesterday and that was quite easy. He was awesome. I'm feeling more confident again!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that the cold is over! There is nothing worse than having a sick baby. As if new moms didn't have enough their sleep interrupted enough, a cold kills it completely.

    Have a great weekend (what's left of it).
