His nights are getting better. The last three nights were OK where I have been able to rock him back to sleep and put him right back in his crib after a diaper change and bottle. The little stinker sure loves to snuggle. Sometimes I find I've fallen asleep while rocking him. God I hope I don't ever drop him. I'll have to rig up some sort of seat belt system for the two of us. Poor kid is gonna have to go to therapy someday, I'm SO neurotic.
We had our one month check-up yesterday. He weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs 9 oz. Definitely doing very well. He will officially be 1 month on July 27th! I cannot even believe that he has been here a month already. And dare I say, it is getting easier? Nah, I know we have a lot of nights to look forward to yet.
I took him into the Doctor this past Monday as well. Sunday morning, after my dearest husband let me sleep in (love you), we noticed that Christopher's right eye was a little gloppy. I called the on call MD and they suggested we get in on Monday. It isn't conjunctivitis and the Doctor didn't think it was a clogged duct either. Of course his eye looked fabulous at the appointment. It has been gloppy off and on all week (again looked good on Friday when we were in). Honestly I'm fruiting out about it a bit, but am trusting the physicians.
We're also struggling with MONSTER gas. Him, not me. I swear he could fart any of us under the table. He just cries and cries right before he poops. Not constipated, thankfully but just lots of air. He is so difficult to burp too. I asked the MD yesterday about Mylicon drops and we're going to start them today. Hopefully they will provide him some relief. Poor little peanut.
So enough about him, let's talk about meeeeee! I am so thrilled to announce that I bought new bras today. EVERYTHING from my neck to my knees seems to have fallen about 10 inches including the girls. I was so excited to get nice new bras! I told Jared I'd like a "redo" at 40 - maybe even them out and lift them up a little. We'll have to start saving now!
I also rejoined Weight Watchers. I am excited to say that I am 40+ lbs less than what I was when I found out I was pregnant with Christopher (down 56 total!!). It gives me mega motivation to keep it going. I'm hoping to have some good results by my birthday and even better by New Years. Meh...I can get hopeful, right? Leave it to me to be the conundrum of all things, most women gain weight while pregnant...not me...I lost! Let's have another baby!!! (Trust me, I'm not that crazy!)
Finally, to close here are a few of my new favorite things:
That fake farty smile (oh the benefits of being gassy) that Christopher displays.
The way he opens one eye while being rocked as if to check that I am still there.
The look he gets on his face after a good burp - I need to get a picture of this, it is priceless and probably won't last much longer.
The fact that diaper changes are getting easier & faster. Gosh we were all thumbs!
That I have a great support system, including my husband. I am hard on him but I know he is as new to this as I am.

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