The "big day" was scheduled for Wednesday June 30 via induction due to gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Christopher decided - or perhaps it was my body - that enough was enough and it was time to evacuate a little sooner. Jared and I went to dinner with his parents on June 25th and I just wasn't feeling right. I figured it was my BP but was too tired to run around to have it taken. We went home and I went right to bed. I woke up Saturday morning and still felt like crud so I ran to Walmart at 6:15 to take my BP. It was a "little high" at 177/110 so I called L&D and they asked me to come in for monitoring. I was also contracting about every 6 minutes - sounds like someone had a master plan!
By 2:00 they decided to move my induction up to Sunday morning. Around 4:00 the midwife came in and said I'm going to break your water now and we're going to have a baby! I had just gotten off the phone with Jared to update him and let him know that I would be okay if he didn't come to the hospital right away. Needless to say I called him back and he came running!
By 5:30 nothing had really progressed and the dreaded Pitocin was introduced. I managed to hang in there with those contractions for about an hour and a half before I called for an epidural. I had envisioned a drug free labor - no dice - again no plans in this whole baby process!
As a surprise my Sister and Grandma came to see me. That was quite shocking (good shocking) and we managed to visit a little. I think my Sister had an eyes open experience/moment. She is expecting and I tried to be brave for her...hope I didn't scare the pants off her! Poor girl!
The next couple hours were just more contractions. Jared said he left to get something to eat and I don't even remember that. By midnight it was time to push! It all happened pretty quickly and I was pretty scared but so excited to meet our little guy. I threw up every time my OB came into the room. Thank goodness he stopped me from eating earlier in the day. Still not sure what came out of me - Jared said he'd never seen anything like it before! Ewwww!
Christopher finally made it into the world around 1:55 a.m on June 27. He weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and was 20 inches long. Those last pushes were the most amazing experience of my whole pregnancy. I remember looking down at Dr. AJ and thinking he was so far away and worrying that he wouldn't catch Christopher. When Christopher left my body it was such an amazing rush. They threw him up on my chest and were wiping him down. I don't remember if I touched him but kept saying "my baby, my baby".
It hit the fan pretty quickly after that. He wasn't breathing well and they pulled him from me. Dr. AJ was putting me back together (just an easy episiotomy) and there seemed to be so many people in my room. I don't know if they were distracting me or if I was just in la-la land. Next I know they're rushing Christopher to the NICU. Thankfully Jared went with.
The nurses were so fantastic. I had such excellent care while Jared was upstairs with Christopher. I don't remember feeling panicked - granted we didn't know what the issue was at the time. I had excellent care through my whole stay.
Jared came back downstairs to my room and around 4:30 the NICU Doctor came in to talk to us. I was so out of it I don't really remember a lot of it. They were uncertain if he had fluid in his lungs or air outside of his lungs and were concerned about potential intestinal blockage. It turned out that Christopher had a pneumothorax and it cleared up on its own after a couple days of oxygen.
We were finally able to bring him home on July 1st. It has been a whirlwind to say the least. But...I'm so in love!
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