Christopher's cold is finally letting up. He doesn't cough/gag/sputter nearly as much as he was previously. I'm wondering if this hack is just a fact of day care. He seems perfectly happy otherwise.
We've taken to wearing bibs the past week. He is a total drool monster - so much that day care has even changed his clothes on a fairly regular basis. He also LOVES to eat his hands...every picture I take seems to have his hand in his mouth. I swear he'll get the whole fist in there eventually!
We had some home front drama again this week. I'm laughing now but I'm sure I'll have some frustration tonight when I get home. Tuesday night Jared and I were hanging out together after I put Christopher down for the night. We were actually having great conversation and enjoying each other's company. Kahlua was begging and begging to go outside - which is highly normal except she kept barking and growling. Finally, because I was sick of listening to her I just let her out (on leash thank goodness). She bolted out the door faster than I had ever seen her and returned within the minute. I let her in while saying "gosh it smells like skunk out there".
Yup, she got sprayed and then she came in the house. I have never experienced such YUK in my entire life! Jared got her in the bathtub within seconds and tried helping her - she was foaming at the mouth so it looks like she took a direct facial hit. In the meantime the smell is starting to permeate through our home. NOT GOOD.
We ended up putting her in the garage and evacuating to a hotel. Jared took her to a groomer on Wednesday but I don't know what the status of our house is. I "think" I can still smell it in some of the clothes that I brought to my conference but it might be my imagination. I was so paranoid yesterday hoping people didn't think I smelled - even after 2 showers. I am not looking forward to going home to the smell.
I am however looking forward to going home to see my little boy! I'm missing him like crazy! I'm sure the time apart is good for both of us - everyone seems to think I should "enjoy" this time apart. Easier said than done. How can you not miss them?
The OTHER good drama that happened on Tuesday was Christopher rolling over! I made him cry though because I got really excited. He did it two times from stomach to back rolling over on his right side. It was this perfect little choreographed roll. I am SO proud of him! Jared got to see it too which was great because I feel like he is missing out on some of this stuff. I forgot to ask day care about it yesterday when I dropped him off. So in my book unless I hear otherwise my baby boy rolled over for the first time!

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