One year ago yesterday I learned that I was pregnant with him. The story is pretty cool.
It was my last day of work with a previous employer and it was "highly suggested" that I get the H1N1 flu shot. I really didn't want to so I thought I'll call my OB and see what they are recommending. First thing one of the nurses asks is could I possibly be pregnant. I say no since we had been trying for a while and was feeling down about it. She asks what day of my cycle it was and I said 35 or 36. She suggested I come in for blood work "just in case" since Dr. AJ didn't want his pregnant patients to have the flu shot in their first trimester. So I did. I was convinced that it would be negative. I had just put my fertility test sticks away that morning and had decided to leave it in someone else's hands.
About 2:30 that afternoon I get a phone call from my OBs office and low and behold the nurse says "I have good news for you, you're pregnant!" I was standing at my desk when I took the call and had to sit down immediately and I started to sob. I couldn't even respond to her! She asked if I was OK and I think I whispered yes and the they history! I never did get the H1N1 flu shot.
Christopher has had a pretty big week here. We hit the big four month mark! WOW!! As previously mentioned, he recently started rolling from his stomach to his back. That is manageable for him as he just starts playing once the flip happens. Yesterday he took it a step further and has begun to roll from back to stomach! And then he cries! Poor guy! On top of all of that happiness he has been sleeping terribly the last week. He gets "stuck" in the middle of a roll and just cries. He's such a wiggly sleeper. I think I have gone in there a good ten to fifteen times a night to comfort him and put him back to sleep. It has made for a pretty long work week with about 4 - 5 hours of sleep a night. Zzzzz
Along with the four month marker came an attempt with rice cereal. He was quite uninterested the first time and spit 99% of it right back at me. This morning he maybe swallowed 50% of it. We'll keep trying! Maybe it will help him sleep a little.
Tomorrow is the dreaded 4 month MD appointment. I do NOT want to go through the whole shots thing again...but we managed last time so I'm sure we will again this time.