To say it has been stressful might be a minor understatement...
I don't think any Mom ever really knows it coming but we've been hit ...blindsided by the bi-atch known as colic. It hasn't been godawful but it has certainly been a challenge. I've been feeling really stressed and needing socialization which makes it even more difficult.
Christopher started chiropractic care on Monday...Monday night was completely different (better) than the prior few. Tuesday - hellacious. Yesterday he had an adjustment again. I get such a kick out of it when the Doctor pushes his legs into his tummy and he toots away.
We walked out of yesterdays appointment feeling pretty good. Of course I didn't come right home and Christopher screamed bloody murder - probably swallowing lots of air and becoming quite upset...again. I was able to do the reach over the seat pop the paci in the mouth blindly maneuver but last night he again had about a 75 minute meltdown - no where near as bad as Tuesday but more than I prefer.
Jared and I are struggling a little with each other. Or, maybe it is just me and *I* am struggling with him and myself. I'm really about as ready as I am going to get to go back to work. As much as I swore up and down that I would be a stay at home mom...I'm looking forward to a little adult interaction and me time. I feel terrible and guilty about wanting a little away time but I think it will be best for both Christopher and I and in the long run my relationship with Jared as well.
We landed on a daycare facility as well this week. I don't know if I will ever feel 100% confident about any place but this one has five of the little Doering cousins so it can't be that bad. Filling out the paperwork is consuming! I understand but gosh it is almost as tiring as being a first time mom...or maybe that still falls under that category?
On another note, I've been having problems with my right thumb. I don't know if it is quite trigger finger/thumb but it is tight and hurts like hell-o. I went to see my favorite Bone & Joint Doctor yesterday and he gave me a brace. That lasted for all of 30 minutes. I am "all thumbs" (har har) when trying to care for Christopher with it on. I did wear it last night when he was sleeping and while I was sleeping. It will be interesting to see how it helps. I've got a recheck in 5 weeks and if it isn't better he talked about surgery. Again...not really helpful given the fact that I need both hands to carry and care for Christopher. I'm sure work would really appreciate me coming back and then going back out for surgery. HA!
Today is my 6 week post partum check-up. Holy crappo...gotta talk to the Doc about contraception. Poor Jared is NOT coming near me with a ten foot pole until I know for sure that we will not make another bambino. NOT ready to even think about that - and I was a smart ass before thinking I'd just get pregnant again right away. NOT HAPPENING!!!
Finally, I broke down this morning and transitioned Christopher from Newborn diapers to size 1. We tried them on about a week ago and he was drowning in them. This morning Christopher had a pee blowout up his back so I figured it was time to try them again. Which reminds me I need to change the sheet in his crib and he's stirring from his nap. Rock on, here we go again!
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