Not a whole lot to report. So I thought I would share some super cuteness with you.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
I really don't have a whole lot of excitement to share with you. The Packers won the Super Bowl last night. That was pretty cool. Jared and I went to a friend's house and hung out there while Christopher stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Olson. He kept them busy!!
Christopher had another tooth cut through this weekend. This time on the top right. He really wasn't even all that cranky. Daddy stuck his finger in there and noticed it this time! Miss Ann at day care thinks he will cut the other one on top pretty quick too.
He had the second half of his flu shot this morning too. Daddy had to do it by himself since I was at work. Now Daddy knows how hard it is and how quickly your heart breaks when he looks up at you with those beautiful blue eyes and shows how scared he is. I cried at work because I couldn't be there for my little guy. I wanted to protect him. Daddy did a great job and Christopher was a real trooper tonight.
I started my new job mid-January. Still not 100% sure of myself or what the heck is going on... am hoping that it starts to make some sort of sense here in the near future. Kind of tough to love it when you don't really get it. Bottom line, it's all part of the bigger plan/picture. Gotta do this to get to where we want to be as a family!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The RSV is finally gone. I think that was the longest two and a half weeks of our lives. He would cough and hack and sputter so badly. The stuff that came up was horrendous! Poor kid!
Jared & I both ended up sick as well. I had a sinus & ear infection and Jared had a sinus infection and pink eye. REALLY? This is the 2nd time he has had pink eye since Christopher was born.
I think I may have talked Jared into 1/2 days for day care! He's not having a whole lot of luck in the job hunt and I'm tired of paying out the nose for something that I truly believe Jared can do. I love our day care (even though this RSV thing scared the crud outta me), but I want Jared to have time with Christopher too. (Does that mean Christopher will start preferring Daddy over me?)
Speaking of parental preference....guess who starting saying da da da da da? Little bugger. He was supposed to say ma ma ma ma ma first. Harumph!
Monday, January 17, 2011
It won't be like this for long...
Yeah Hootie did that as a country song - it's actually pretty good. Go Google it. I heard that once while Christopher had colic and it helped me through. I definitely need to listen to it again.
I'm a LUCKY girl this morning (as I listen to Jared finally saw some serious logs behind me on the couch). Christopher has been an absolute monster (I'm sorry, but yes I am seriously calling my 6 month old a monster) overnight. Like to the point where my patience are worn so thin that I am positive that you can see right through them. Like to the point where I am such a bitch to Jared that I am LUCKY that he doesn't give me the old "F YOU" and leave me. Thankfully Jared took a major part of the "watch" last night while I tried to get some sleep.
My nerves are shot worrying about starting my new job and I'm anxious about driving today with all this new snow we got - again. So I'm trying to think of the funny things that happened over night or over the last couple nights.
Thursday night I was going through our sleep routine and Christopher got his milk drunk on. Jared had not seen the face so I whisper/call to him to come to the nursery. The milk drunk face is almost gone but still cute. Jared comes in, looks at him, Christopher opens his eyes, smiles this big beautiful smile and passes back out. Got me *right here* I tell ya. I cried like a baby.
This morning when Christopher cranked up at 2:00 or whatever time it was I finally pass him over to Jared around 2:30 a.m. I crawl back into bed and I hear Christopher babbling like crazy and then to add to the babbling symphony I hear...snoring. Yep Daddy's sleeping. While I wanted to run right out there and grab the baby and chastise Jared for sleeping I just let it go. I needed a little sleep. So at 4:30 when I wake again and STILL hear the baby but no Daddy I go out there to find Jared Zombie-like watching the tube while Christopher just pats Daddy's face. Seriously kid - ya NEED TO SLEEP.
So I feel like I seriously suck at motherhood right now. I know that this is just a phase but Lordy Love-a-Duck I'm exhausted, not loving the stuff that is going on with Christopher and feeling extremely guilty for being bitchy/crabby about it.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sometimes I suck
OMG when Christopher is crabby I just want to run away. I play with him on the floor for three minutes until he fusses and wants to be held. I hold him and he wiggles and squirms so I put him in the bouncy/jumper thing. He sits for three minutes and cries and wants to be held again. I dislike days like these because I just don't have enough patience for it.
So dear Christopher, know that I love you with all of my heart but my God you make me remember that I should really start birth control again.

Friday, January 14, 2011
Such a Trooper!
We've had a hectic week here. Day care posted "2 confirmed cases of RSV" on Christopher's room door last Friday. I could literally feel my heart sink anticipating the worst. Christopher had been coughing a bit but I wasn't too concerned until I saw the sign. Jared went up north ice fishing over the weekend so little dude and I just hung out together. We had friends visit us on Saturday afternoon and night and it helped the day move along. He was a little fussy but not at all unmanageable (does a mom ever admit if their child IS unmanageable?)
As the weekend did the cold. He didn't have a fever and was breathing OK, just coughing a lot. On Monday I called our Doctor's office and they confirmed that w/out a fever and labored breathing it didn't pay to go in. I kept him home from day care and we just snuggled and played a little and snuggled some more. By Monday afternoon I decided that his cough was a little too much and we decided to go to the walk-in. I'm glad we did. They tested him for RSV, did a nebulizer treatment and took two x-rays of his lungs and learned that indeed Christopher had RSV. Boooooo. Christopher was such a sweetheart through the entire ordeal and the nurses even commented that they could not believe he was RSV positive.
So we've done nebulizer treatments around the clock for the last few days and we kept him out of daycare for a couple days. They said "you can take him if he doesn't have a fever" but I just wanted my baby here. I cried and cried on Wednesday when I took him back in. He's doing tons better and isn't even having the monster coughing jags like he was - he'll get into a cute giggle fit and start coughing.
I start my new job at Sentry on Monday. I'm mostly looking forward to it. I'm getting a little nervous and not really looking forward to the commute...but trying to keep my mind on the prize - hopefully we'll move down to Stevens Point by year end. Jared and I have done some major house hunting the last few weeks and definitely have some favorites. We will need to get our butts in gear to get our current home market ready. BLECH! (eyes on the prize!!)
Friday, January 7, 2011
6 Months!
Christopher had his 6 month appointment on Wednesday January 5th. It went super. I was so pleased with the appointment over all. He took the shots like a pro! It certainly was not easy to watch them stick him or to hear him cry but I picked him right up and he was OK in less then three seconds! I'm not sure if he "remembered" last time or if me clamping his legs down was traumatic for him but he started crying when I was holding his little legs down for the nurses.
He weight in at 18 lbs 4 oz and is 26 inches tall. He's still in the 50th percentile for weight and still in the 25th percentile for height. He's our little shorty!
Jared is "up north" fishing for the weekend so it is just Christopher and I tonight and tomorrow night. I'm half tempted to snuggle down in our bed with him but I'm trying really hard to get him into some good sleep patterns. The logical part of me realizes snuggling down with him is not going to help those patterns.
I've graduated him out of the infant bath tub into a bath ring. He LOVES it! He doesn't splash with his hands as much as he did in the infant tub but I'm not getting as soaked either. He is a definite water baby; I cannot wait to take him swimming someday!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to Everyone!
Jared & I brought 2011 in with a "bang" of fireworks at Polly's house. Lots of wine, beer and plenty of champagne was pass around and around and around. Thankfully I didn't have too awful of a headache today!
Christopher had his first over night with Grandma and Grandpa Olson! He was a super good boy and officially dubbed "a handful". Ya think? :-)
Our night times have been a little cruddy again. Christopher would NOT go down in his crib without being completely passed out and then would only sleep for an hour or so before waking up. I am hoping that it was a growth spurt. Tonight was much much better. A little birdie told me his resolution was to go to bed easier for Mommy. Guess we'll see how that plays out!
I have no real resolutions for myself. I guess I don't believe in them as 90% of them are not followed through anyway. I have made a few promises to myself.
They are to be the best Mommy that I can be to Christopher. I know I'm a great Mommy but I want to keep being that way! Who knew parenting would be this tough sometimes??!!
I also want to get back in line with taking better care of myself. I was so good while pregnant. I'm still way down in my weight loss but definitely have added a few numbers back on the scale.
I am going to concentrate more on my marriage with Jared. We have a really good marriage. We fight more than probably either of us prefer but I believe we are meant for each other. I know that the first year as new parents can be really tough. We're 50% there - I think if we make it through this we'll make it through anything!
I'm behing a little with our Christmas update - we had a very nice couple of days with family. It was NOT overdone or over the top thankfully! It was a beautiful first Christmas for Christopher!
We also hit another milestone as previously mentioned. Christopher hit six months on Dec 27. I cannot believe this little dude has been in our lives this long already. It has been an amazing whirlwind of stress and goodness all rolled into one. It seems light years ago that I was bawling daily with his colic. I still don't do well with his crying, but he has never cried like that since I went back to work in September. We've had a few monster colds, an ear infection and many early mornings. All in all I wouldn't change a thing and am really excited to see what the next six months will bring!
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